Ontario is moving forward with its Poverty Reduction Strategy by providing urgent and essential dental care free-of-charge to children in low-income families.
The Children In Need of Treatment (CINOT) program provides emergency dental care and out-of-hospital anesthetic coverage for low-income children age 17 and under.
The government is also working with Public Health Units, Community Health Centres, Dentists and Dental Hygienists to build community capacity and expand prevention and treatment services for low-income Ontarian, especially children. Services will be rolling out across the province over the next two years.
The governments total investment in low-income dental services will be $45 million annually when fully implemented.
Ontarios Poverty Reduction Strategy is designed to build a stronger economy by creating more opportunity for all low-income families and children. The strategy sets a goal of reducing child poverty by 25 per cent in 5 years lifting 90,000 children out of poverty.
If you know a baby, child or teen aged 17, and under that may require urgent dental care, please contact our office for more information.